
About Us

Lard and semi-finished products for over 50 years. Kondital (Kondimento Italiano Alimentare) is this and much, much more. Now in the capable hands of the Premoli brothers in Offanengo (CR) after many years in Casatico di Marcaria (MN), where Vittorio Zanotti and his brother Camillo created the company in the 1960s, Kondital is now a reference point for the bread and baking industry.

We process animal and plant fat derivatives at our new, larger and modern headquarters, while continuing to guarantee attention to production: we combine modern industry and tradition to work natural ingredients with the quality and techniques of the past. Efficient production, traditional techniques and listening to our customers are the pillars on which our company has always stood.

From formulation to labelling, we provide our customers with personalised products that truly meet their every industrial need, and all in a short time.

Ours is a small large company that never forgets the importance of research for developing new and better products, and using natural materials that guarantee superior quality to the end product.

One example of this is our flagship product, Crema Oro, an emulsifier with a balanced sugar content that optimises rising and flakiness for delicious bread and special desserts.

We provide the quality and reliability that only traditional lard and semi-finished products can give. You add the rest. The result? A better product every day.